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If it features here, I tested it and recommend it.

If it does not feature here.... 2 things, I have nothing to say about it because i have not tried it or I simply do not recommend it


Knockers are loud solenoids design to trigger when you get a free game. Some tables use it for other purposes.

I bought one years ago from Marco Specialties. A Stern is all you need to make a loud POP!

Arnoz Rigmaster

This is a Virtual Pinball controller board. It allows to connects your Virtual Pinball Toys such as Solenoids,Shaker motor, Gear motor, Blower fan, Strobes, Beacons and RGB Led. 

This is a solid board, Well designed and affordable. The vendor is Arnoz in France. 

He supports his product by helping people using them. He is often helping on the VPC Discord chat.

Cleveland Software
Solenoid Flipper Button Control Boards

This is a board and a solenoid that allows you to press the flipper button and it triggers the solonoid. You do not need DOF for this to work. It is plug and play

I installed this kit on my Atgames Legend Pinball (ALP) and it was easy to install and works very well. I made a video on how to install it


This board is the core of all Virtual Pinball controller boards that i know of. It can be used as is or you can buy an Adapter board that will make it 

I installed this kit on my Atgames Legend Pinball (ALP) and it was easy to install and works very well. I made a video on how to install it

Flipper Assembly

If you want to install real solenoids , this is very loud. They are also extremely resistant. I never blew one of those. They can operate ferom 24V to 50V.

i recommend those. I have them and used them. If you want loud flipper noise, here's your bad boy.

Mine is connected to 24v and it is still extremely loud. 


There are no specific branding on the addressable LED. I ordered them on Aliexpress, Amazon or Ebay, The quality seems the same to me. 

If you want lights going up and down your playfield, different colour animations , even a custom made dot matrix. This is the ALED you need.

Arnoz Pinmos

If you want to connect Addressable led to your cab, you need this. This makes it easy to connect your ALED and configure the software. 

I am currently using this in my cabinet and i have to say, it makes things a lot simpler. You can order it with a Pinmos or Teensy. I opted for the Pinmos but apparently differences between both are almost non existant. 

Data East Slingshot Assembly

If you want to install real solenoids , those real Slingshots assembly are very loud. They are also extremely resistant. I never blew one of those. They can operate from 24V to 50V.

i recommend those. I have them and used them. If you want loud slingshots noise, here's your bad boy. Mine is connected to 24v and it is still extremely loud. 

Stern Shaker Kit
stern shaker.jpeg

When it comes to shaking your table, nothing can equal a real Pinball shaker. I am using a stern and i am very happy with it. 

When installing this, you might want to add a motor voltage control knob as it will allow you to reduce the intensity manually.

Motor voltage adjuster

When it comes to shaking your table, nothing can equal a real Pinball shaker. I am using a stern and i am very happy with it. 

When installing this, you might want to add a motor voltage control knob as it will allow you to reduce the intensity manually.


If all you are interested is adding a 5 RGB flashbar and connect your buttons, this is the perfect controller for you. 

I used several LEDwiz over the years on different projects and this board has never failed me. 


If you don't need 16 ports for connecting buttons, pick the other LEDWIZ version with 32 outputs for your LED

Arnoz TensyCab

If you want to connect Addressable led to your cab, you need this. This makes it easy to connect your ALED and configure the software. 

This is an Adapter to connect the Teensy 3.1-4.1.


Octo 2811 Adapter

If you want to connect Addressable led to your cab, you need this. This makes it easy to connect your ALED and configure the software. 

This is an Adapter to connect the Teensy 3.1-4.1.



I used all the parts recommended and i am making a small commission when you purchase something from the Amazon link. You do not pay more for your purchase and it allows me to purchase more parts to test for you.

© 2023 by Major Frenchy. All rights reserved.

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