Both names are the same, just a preference on how you want to call it. This will be a very significant upgrade to your VIrtual Pinball experience. It will enhance the built in table DMD to a much higher quality and customizable DMD
"This project aims to connect digital pinball games with the physical DMDs that are widespread in the community. It also comes with pretty monitor output, supports frame-by-frame colorization, and can even stream over the network."
What you need
You will need Visual PinballX installed and you will need to download Freezy. I suggest you download the zip file instead of the auto installer.

Right click the file we just downloaded and select properties. Then check the Unblock box and apply. Extract it.
Copy to Vpinmame

Select all files and copy them to the VisualPinball / Vpinmame folder.
Changing some options

Run Setup.exe in the Vpinmame folder and change the following settings.
Select the "Setup Default" tab
Uncheck Show DMD/Display window
Check Use Eternal DMD (dll)
Check Colorize DMD ( 4 colors )
Run a table

Here you will see the much sharper DMD
You can drag it to any location you want , even across other monitors if you have a multiple screens setup.
Resizing and saving

You can simply select and drag it with your mouse. If you can't see your mouse pointer, disable Force exclusive full screen in the video settings options.
You can resize it by dragging the lower right corner.
Once you are happy with the location you can set this same position globally for all your tables or only for this table. You can accomplish this by right clicking on the DMD and selecting the appropriate action.
Customizing the look
By selecting Customize style, you can let your imagination be the limit of the shape and colour of the DMD. You can set it globally or only for a table.

Save the look Globally or for the table only

What you need
If you followed me thus far and have Freezy running when you are launching a VPX table, Then you are almost there. We need colorized files for the table. Not all tables have them, look on the VPUniverse site.

Download both files and save them in a folder on your computer. They are all named the same so make sure you remember where you saved it.
Looking up the Rom name

You need to create a folder matching the game rom name. I will show you how to get it.
- Open your table in the VPX editor
- Select the script icon
- Hit control and F to search for gamename
Const cGamename = "cv_20h" is the rom name for Cirqus Voltaire
Create a altcolor folder

in the Vpinmame folder, create a folder named
altcolor if you don't have one.

Inside the altcolor folder create a folder matching the rom name
copying colorized files

Copy the 2 files you downloaded in the cv_20h folder. Pin2dmd.pal and pin2dmd.vni

If everything was installed like i showed you, you will now see DMD animations in vivid colours.
Launch the table

Serum - PAC file colorization
new ROM colorization file format 100% open-source (file format, editor and DMD-ext integration) the "cRom" aka "serum".

Once you are done, drop the .PAC file drop it in the altcolor folder just like the above